Author: DXO

  • BEA Aqualogic User Interaction Server (ALUI) Investigations

    Here are some links about ALUI so as to get a basis of how the product set is conceived and also provide some primary sources of info: Q&A: BEA Executives Discuss New ESB, Java Releases / Development / Categories / WebServices.Org The whole idea is to enable our customers to move to SOA, and start…

  • Let’s Retire “Piece”

    I am relatively done with hearing people (usually people who are demonstrating, talking about, and attempting to sell "enterprise software") use the word, "piece". "Oh, you mean docket managment? That’s the ‘docket-love’ piece. Reports? Yes, they’re done in the reporting piece. The on-button piece? yes, that’s extra." Let’s retire piece.

  • Bill Knott Kicks Ass

    The first time I seriously studied poetry was in college at UIC, circa 1988. My first poetry workshop was with Paul Carroll. When I signed up for the class, I didn’t know who he was, but I quickly found out that he was the editor of Big Table, which made Young American Poets, my favorite…

  • How I Use: Craigslist and Flickr for Yard Sale

    Dirt Devil, originally uploaded by juggernautco. Yesterday Deirdre and I had a yard sale over at her house. We made about $165 and got rid of a lot of stuff. We used Craigslist to post about the yard sale, to put in smaller, more targeted posts about specific items, and also to advertise a free…

  • Great Derivative Work: “Driving” by Christian Marc Schmidt

    I was away on vacation for a while, so I wasn’t able to post about this derivative work that I am a part of: Driving, by Christian Marc. Schmidt. Basically, he curated a series of videos that he found on Google Video while searching for the word "driving". The result is a pretty entertaining and…