Author: DXO

  • Things Change

    Pretty much one of the biggest causes of static in this world is the inability to accept change. Neighborhood groups fight over condo development. Haters of eminent domain reject even the possibility that a local unit of government can decide that land could be better used for a different purpose. History starts with whatever moment…

  • Starbucks, Logan Square, and the State of American Unions

    So it seems that the local Starbucks– the one just across the alley from my house– has unionized: Starbucks workers add shot of unionizing | Chicago Tribune Just ahead of Labor Day, baristas at the Starbucks in Logan Square told management that they wanted to be represented by the IWW. A veteran of battles that…

  • Neighbor Dead.

    I am not a super-enthusiastic & involved neighbor. Never have been, really. I’m not the hale neighbor-well met type who stops to chat and always has a story to tell. Which is not to say that I’m unfriendly or mean– I’m not. I’m always good for the "hi there" wave while dragging in groceries and…

  • 19 New Wide Right Turns

    R, originally uploaded by juggernautco. Just uploaded 19 new Wide Right Turn signs collected since the beginning of the year. This variation is one of my favs– blind spot IM talk.

  • Auction Action

    I am always fascinated by auctions, no matter what is being autctioned off. It’s a primal economic venue– buyers and sellers, optimists and losers, people coming and going. In any auction, there is a side who thinks it’s better to be rid of something and a side who thinks it’s better to have something. Tension…