Armories & Crowds

Broadway Armory, Chicago, originally uploaded by juggernautco.

I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of revolution– I’d like to be in one someday. I love the pounce of political crowds.

After Harold Washington died, Chicago was gripped in political turmoil that had a street component– people were surging at the doors at City Hall leading to the City Council. I was there, loving it.

I also stayed up for days watching CNN coverage of the Tiananmen Square protests, which turned into a massacre. I also wrote a play about it.

That’s the thing about crowds– there’s always an antidote. For any crowd that feels a certain way, some set of people can muster a crowd that feels the opposite.

That’s what armories are for– gigantic buildings strategically placed throughout a city– like this one on Broadway. It’s nice to feel civilized and cosmopolitan, and go to see Wiggle Worms and Movies in the Park.

Just remember as you drive down Broadway or Kedzie or Cottage Grove, that these are the places where troops will gather, if need be. God bless us all.



