Car Music

  • Car Music > Another One Bites The Dust > I-88 Eastbound

    Another in the Car Music series. Eastbound on I-88 approaching the Eisenhower. Dark, headlight-lit 11 PM. I refuse to call 88 the new vernacular term signifying the 40th President of the United States. Awesome driving beat. This song came out when I was in 8th grade.

  • Car Music > Disco Inferno > Westbound on Diversey w/ police and Rock n Bowl

    It’s been a while since I posted some Car Music, my series of videos taken from my car while driving. Each video is exactly one minute, and they become uncontrollable documentaries. This one’s got all the makings of a classic — disco beat rolls over the beat of the windshield wipers, blow pas blue lights…

  • Sopranos & Car Music

    So anyway I obviously love The Sopranos and was blown away last week by the ending. At first I felt a bit pissed that I didn’t get something more crisp, more knowing, but got over it quickly enough. Basically, it seems to me the clock ran out–our peering into a family had ended. If it…

  • George Bush, Helen Thomas, and Cabrini Green Demolition

    Next in the “Car Music” series– 60 seconds of confluence between where I am in my car and what is on the radio. This is George Bush answering a typically combative question from Helen Thomas about the war in Lebanon while filming/ driving by the demolition of yet another Cabrini Green high rise. A classic.

  • Great Derivative Work: “Driving” by Christian Marc Schmidt

    I was away on vacation for a while, so I wasn’t able to post about this derivative work that I am a part of: Driving, by Christian Marc. Schmidt. Basically, he curated a series of videos that he found on Google Video while searching for the word "driving". The result is a pretty entertaining and…