
  • The Values President

    The Values President

    Tomorrow I am going to go to the Club Lucky restaurant in Chicago, Illinois and vote for Barack Obama to retain his position as President of the United States. There are lots of reasons why, including all the normal policy agreements that a big-city Democrat would have with a solid Democratic President from the same…

  • Let’s Re-Relect the President.

    Let’s Re-Relect the President.

    The President of the United States is in a very close race against the Republican challenger and the cynical Republican money machine. If you were eating solid foods in 2004, you remember the searing tears and physical pain of the day after Tuesday, November 2 of that year. We have to win this thing. Don’t…

  • Election Scene

    Scene: Lutheran church basement in Logan Square, 35th Ward. Me: Hi, I’m here to vote. Election judge (EJ): What street do you live on? Me: Fairfield. EJ: (Incredulous, gasping): Fairfield!?! What the fuck are you doing here? Me: This is where I’ve voted for the last 7 years. EJ: (checks thick paper voter roll book,…

  • Why I Support Rahm Emanuel for Mayor of the City of Chicago

    Today is Election Day in Chicago. We are electing a new Mayor and also voting on a host of other municipal slots, including all Aldermen. Here’s why I support Rahm Emanuel for Mayor of the City of Chicago: 1. Policy: I find Rahm’s policies on good government, and TIF Reform to be credible and specific.…

  • Sobbing Southbound

    Sometimes, and more, recently, I cry on the train while reading the New York Times and heading into the office. Like the other day when I read Maureen Dowd recounting a conversation with Colin Powell in “Moved by a Crescent”: But what sent him over the edge and made him realize he had to speak…