I Used to Own @mayordaley: The True Story of a Twitter Account

So I noticed today (via Greg Hinz) that the @mayordaley Twitter account had risen from a year and a half of silence. I've been waiting for this day for a while now.

I used to own the @mayordaley Twitter account. In fact, I started it on November 18, 2008, the same day I got wind of the Daily Daley, a clever blog that tracked our Mayor's movements. And a Twitter account, too.

At the time, I thought, "well, the Mayor himself should have a Twitter account". So I looked to see of he had one. He did not. So I made him one.

That day I wrote a note to someone I know in the Mayor's Office who might be interested in owning such a thing. I typed some pleasantries, and then got to the meat:

I took the opportunity to create an account on Twitter
here: http://twitter.com/mayordaley
The Mayor could get a
significant amount of mileage out of taking over this account.
The Mayor's staff could set it up so that it automatically publishes
press releases, statements, and other communications.

Here is the

u: mayordaley
p: *************

The Mayor's staff could change
the password on this account here: http://twitter.com/account/settings and take control
of it.

Why did I do this? Because I love my city. And the 4-starred flag is waving behind me, and I'm in a boat on the Chicago River, cruising past the bend at the Sun-Times building, saluting. There's music. I think it's David Bowie or Elvis Costello or something. And the sun is shining. And we're all happy, tweeting Chicagoans.

I heard nothing back. So I did nothing. Tweeted nothing; followed no one.

Then last May I got a helpdesk-style nastygram from Twitter:

from: caroline <notifications-support@twitter.zendesk.com>
reply-to: Twitter Support <support+id300572@twitter.zendesk.com>
to: mayordaley_i <*******+daley@gmail.com>
date: Fri, May 15, 2009 at 5:08 PM
subject: Hi,We've received a com…
mailed-by: twitter.zendesk.com

caroline, May 15 03:07 pm:


We've received a complaint from a representative of Mayor Daley. It has come to our attention that your Twitter account:


is in violation of our basic Terms of Service, specifically article 4
which mentions impersonation:

4. You must not abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate
other Twitter users.

In this case "impersonation" is the issue. Impersonation is against
our terms of service.

To settle this issue we've removed the account in order to eliminate

Please honor Twitter's Terms of Service
accordingly. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


Twitter Support

Please follow this link to update your ticket:



Twitter Support

I wrote back, telling them I loved them, and my city (though I think I left out the part about the boat and the river), and that I in no way abused, harassed, threatened, impersonated or intimidated anyone. And that I'd be happy to give up the account to the current Mayor of the City of Chicago.

They canceled the account and gave it to the Mayor.

And finally this week he tweeted. Least he could do is follow me.



