Launch: Fabrile Gallery Webstore

Last month I helped launch an e-commerce website for my client Fabrile Gallery, the purveyor of great Art Glass, Designer Crafts, Fantasy figures and fairies by Amy Brown and Cicely Mary Barker and other artists.

We based the store on the Yahoo! Store, and I highly recommend it if you want a non-technical person to maintain the store after launch. Here is a genericized version of the documentation I created for a client for whom I implemented a Yahoo! Store. I call it "Yahoo Store: The Missing Manual".

YahoostoremanualYahoo! Store is really easy to use and maintain once it is all setup, but there a paucity of good documentation on how to use the Store Editor. This is some plain-language translation of that process. The client used a Macintosh to maintain the store, used FileMaker Pro for their database, and so this document is focused on those technologies. Still, it should be useful to anyone who looked at the Store Editor and wondered what the heck all those buttons do.

The design of the store was completely controlled by the client. After I trained him on the system, he went hog wild in choosing his own look & feel, putting the real power in the hands of the person who actually runs the business.





