Lincoln Marsh 2016: February 20, Early Spring Bust-Out Saturday Joy

One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016.

Sometimes I am able to convince-slash-force my offspring to accompany me in the collection of photos for this series. This was one of those times. I’m sure part of the reason is because the temperature were the 50s and it was the kind of early Spring bust-out Saturday we love in North America.

We’re not supposed to get on the ropes course, but we did. A diversion.

CXO Caleb Ropes Course

With early thaw, there’s reed debris that gathers in corners and has ice pushed up against it.


The blues were good.

Sometimes just being in nature is enough for me, even if your mind is on a screen or otherwise elsewhere. There’s a physical reality no one can beat.






