Margene’s Blog

HBO always does a good job of putting extra content on their show websites. For Six Feet Under it was the obituaries of the intro-dead people. For Big Love it’s Margene’s Blog, a deeper look into her kind mind. Here’s a take:

:) Until about three weeks ago, I thought Silicon Valley was where they made fake boobs! I wish that was a joke.


just came over with flowers?totally unannounced and talked about a
burning in his bosom and then he asked to kiss me. Whoa. I’m shaking.
Not shaking that way. Just shaking at how…real it all was, you know?
He meant what he said. And even though I didn’t really want to hear
what he said, I could tell it came from an honest place. A really weird
place, but at least it was honest.

I’m tired of people on TV badmouthing TV. I mean, I learn a lot from
the so-called “idiot box.” I learn a lot about other countries. Has
anyone ever heard of the TV show from Australia called “The Update Game
Show?” I think it’s canceled over there now, but at 2:30 in the
afternoon on channel 571, they’re showing it. At least they have been
all week. It’s hilarious and the host is SOO cute. Are you kidding me?
You guys should check it out if you can.

??? I’m thinking
about getting Bill a fly fishing rod for his birthday and getting some
kind of gift certificate for him to go out with a guide somewhere and
learn, learn, learn. Think that’s a good idea? He loves to hunt and I
know he likes regular fishing, but I think it’d be so cute if Bill was
out in the middle of the water flinging that thing back and forth like
Brad Pitt in “A River Runs Through It.” Yummy!



