My Catholicism

Sunday Mass, St Francis of Assisi Church on 31st between 6th and 7th.

I am no agonyclite.

The singing through masks. The scent of incense, starting on your knees for Lent.

People want to tell you who they are and you can’t out run God. This is my local parish when I travel to New York City, which is often,. It is one block from the hotel that I stay at for work. It is also the former parish of a Catholic priest who I admire a lot. And who died a very public invisible death

I was sitting at my other church, the Paris Baguette, the place that gives me intense joy mornings with dough and caffeine, when I looked up and saw the honorary street sign for Mychal Fallon Judge, O.F.M.

I recognize this priest’s name as the former chaplain for the New York City Fire Department on September 11, 2001. He was well known and was well-respected as a tough guy in New York, with the ritualistic glorification of first responders. He is literally listed as victim number one.

Something that is less well known about him was his sexual orientation. Glory to God in the Highest.



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