New Logo In Action: Renaissance Hotel is Now Renaissance

Logos change all the time, but it’s not every day you get a chance to see a logo change right before your eyes. The other morning I was walking to work past 1 West Wacker Drive and saw sign company workers changing out the signs at what used to be called The Renaissance Hotel and is now just Renaissance. I felt like I was living inside the Brand New blog, which has analyzed old and new logos side-by-side for years now.

Here’s the old and new signs together:

New Logo for Renaissance Hotels

The new is just a stylized R and a single word:

New Logo for Renaissance Hotels

While the old sits captured on a truck:

New Logo for Renaissance Hotels

And then there’s the fateful wall-based change, which never really seems to go well without a thorough cleaning and masonry work to eliminate negative space and outlines of the former typography:

New Logo for Renaissance Hotels

Can’t wait to see what Under Consideration LLC has to say about this…



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