On the Same Day, Live Birth Version

Longtime readers will remember my fascination with unrelated people who happen to die on the same day, being forever linked. Here’s a twist on that: Katies Holmes, the wife of Tom Cruise, psycho, and the person Cruise criticized for being treated for post-partum depression, Brooke Shields, had babies on the same day. The Contra Costa Times ruminates on possible play dates:

Who would’ve known that, the same day the patron saint of the drug-free manic became a father again, so would his arch-nemesis, the evil queen of mind-altered, postpartum depression-recovery.

Irony … or mere coincidence?

While the world was atwitter over Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes having their daughter Tuesday, actress Brooke Shields gave birth to her second child, daughter Grier Hammond Henchy.

The baby weighed 7 pounds and measured 20 inches when delivered in Los Angeles. Shields and husband Chris Henchy already have a daughter, Rowan, who will be 3 next month.



