
  • Little People and Their Tools

    It’s been a great week for Science in the NYT. My favorite science writer, John Noble Wilford, and his colleagues have been filing tons of reports. Today was a look at the debate over the little people of the Indonesian island of Flores, who may or may not be a different species than home sapiens.…

  • Male Fear and Monkey Cuckolding: “Two Splits Between Human and Chimp Lines Suggested” (NYT)

    There’s an amazing story in the NYT this morning about new evidence in molecular biology supporting the idea that there was a hybrid species that rose after the split between chimp and human lineages. The  idea is that females of this hybrid species (which eventually led to humans) mated with males from the  chimp world…

  • Evolution is a Fact

    So today I taught a first grade CCD class. I read the Genesis creation story to them. One of kids said, "well, when the Earth started there were a lot of volcanoes." I took this as an opportunity to tell the children that "evolution is a fact" about 8 or 9 times. I’m not an…

  • My Pope’s Evolution

    Great piece in the NYT Magazine called "Unintelligent Design" poking logic holes into pseudo-science creationist stuff. Here’s something I didn’t know about my pope: That is why Pope John Paul II was comfortable declaring that evolution has been ”proven true” and that ”truth cannot contradict truth.” Here’s the complete text of the Address of Pope…