
  • Vote for TRUT over at Urban Dictionary

    So a while ago I coined the word trut in an an article that I wrote for Rudy Van der Lans over at Emigre Magazine in the mid 90s. I think it’s a pretty useful word and is much more sublime than Colbert’s truthiness. Anyway, I logged the word over at Urban Dictionary to try…

  • Idea: Brand Pantheon

    Brand Pantheon is a concept I have for a web-based application that allows users to create a visual Gartner-style Magic Quadrant custom graphic indicating the relative importance of brands in relation to the user. The user fills out a form with the various brands that they associate themselves with. User can drill down through a…

  • Trut

    Complete text of my 1997 essay, “Trut: The Star, The Globe, and the Missing H in the New Veracity“ So every once in a while I coin a new term or phrase. No one ever notices a whole lot, as this weblog is not exactly slashdot or metafilter, but the coining continues apace. As far…

  • Idea: Organic Bile

    Someone should start a website called Organic Bile that catches all of the women who appear on the cover of Organic Style Magazine eating at McDonalds, driving Humvess, and other off-brand things.  

  • Trut & Bullshit

    Even though he wrote it many years ago, an essay that is getting a lot of play right now is “On Bullshit” by Harry Frankfurt of Princeton University. First five lines: One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his…