Photo Essays

  • Photo Essay: Minnesota State Fair, September 2018

    A couple weekends ago I helped my son move into an apartment as he starts his second year in college. All summer I had been hankering to go to a county fair. I love everything about county fairs— the colors of the booths, the contained danger of the midway, the exaggerated foodstuffs. The direct examination…

  • Photo Essay, Las Vegas, America, June 2015

    Over the weekend of June 13, 2015, I went to Las Vegas with my oldest son. We went there as a 16th birthday present to meet up with a group of his kids he met online 4 years ago and who have become some his best friends. I shot about 1,000 pics and whittled them down…


    Here’s the first photo from my conceptual art project, COLLABORATION STOCK PHOTOS, designed to recreate and propagate as many stock photos representing the word “collaboration” as possible. Here’s the original image: And here’s the re-creation: My approach on this one was simple re-creation, in part because we had the models, props, and venue at the…


    I’ve got the first shoot set for my new project, COLLABORATION STOCK PHOTOS. My goal is to recreate and propagate as many stock photos representing the word “collaboration” as possible. I will be attending the next meetup of Connect Chicago, a group devoted to people who work to bring public computer centers, community technology centers, and digital…

  • Why I Take Pictures

    Earlier this week, my youngest son played in his middle school basketball championship game. I got there early, and was setting up my camera. The JV game was finishing up, and it got pretty dramatic. The game was tied at 26. The visiting team— a set of sixth and seventh graders from a small league that…