
  • Two Catholic Days

    I have taught CCD for the last nine years. CCD stands for “Confraternity of Catholic Doctrine”. It’s where Catholic kids who go to public school get religion class and prepare for the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. My time as a catechist has patterned after the religious education of my two children— I’ve taught as they’ve…

  • Community Technology Training + Me

    Week-Long Computer Camp for Kids at Wright College This month I taught a course of 15 elementary and high school students in a week-long “computer camp”. We had a great set of people who were eager to learn and well-behaved. On the first day of class we learned about our backgrounds with computers and the…

  • Organizing CPR Training With the Help of City Hall in New York City

    Big City – When a Citizen Feels Impelled to Help – A month ago, Ms. van Straaten ran a meeting at City Hall with people from the mayor’s office, the Fire Department and New York Sports Clubs. That none of the people there answer to her or pay her is testament not just to…

  • Good Example of Emergency Preparedness Training in Washington, DC

    DC Community Preparedness The District of Columbia Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) is sponsoring a series of community trainings and exercises to help District neighborhoods be prepared in the event of a disaster. More here from Alert DC: DC HSEMA community exercise tomorrow, February 7, 10 a.m. at Marshall Heights Community Development Organization 3939…

  • Very Interesting Experiment: Strong Angel III

    Strong Angel III | Strong Angel III THE DEMONSTRATION What will happen? Organizations and individuals participating in Strong Angel III are volunteering their time and resources to explore innovations in humanitarian response capabilities. This is not a trade show or a technology fair, with vendor booths, demos, and product literature. Nor is it an Exercise…