DevCorp North offers computer classes in Rogers Park

DevCorp North, a great neighborhood organization in the Rogers Park neighborhood here in Chicago, has a mission to "improve the business and economic climate of Rogers Park through business, community and economic development."

One of the ways they do that is bilingual computer classes in English and Spanish. Here’s their announcement:

DevCorp North is happy to announce that our next session of computer classes has begun. Classes are taught in both English and Spanish and will include instruction on Internet use, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, marketing materials and business documents. A class schedule is listed below.

Registration is open now from 9 am to 5 pm. Registrants are welcome to come by the DevCorp North office located at 1448 W. Howard St. or call (773) 508-5885 if you have any questions about class times or availability.

Maybe sometime I could teach my bilingual internet skills classes there as well.



